April updates to economic response, 20 April 2020

Dec 4, 2020

Since the JobKeeper payment was first introduced at the end of March 2020, there have been a number of updates and further announcements made in support of the Government economic response to COVID-19.

These latest updates include:

  • JobKeeper payment – Since first introduced, the Australian Tax Office (ATO) has provided extra details including a step by step guide on the process and action required by employers being to enrol for the payment from April 20 onwards.
  • Land tax relief for landlords – States and territories have introduced additional packages to support residential and commercial landlords and tenants impacted by COVID-19. While each jurisdiction is different, many states will provide temporary land tax relief for landlords that offer their tenants, who are facing financial stress, a discount on rent.
  • National Cabinet Mandatory Code of Conduct – SME Commercial Leasing Principles during COVID-19 – A nationwide “Code” has been released to govern commercial, industrial and retail tenancies affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This Code will be separately legislated and administered by each state and territory.

Read the full summary of the above updates here.

Disclaimer: This article contains general information only. The information contained in this article is not designed to be a substitute for professional advice as such a brief guide cannot consider and cover all individual needs, objectives, circumstances and conditions applying to the law as it relates to these items mentioned in this article. No responsibility can be accepted for errors, omissions or possible misleading statements or for any decisions or actions taken as a result of any material in this communication. Appropriate expert advice should always be considered from a professional financial adviser prior to making any financial decisions. Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
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